Monday, June 9, 2014

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The history of danish

So, during the 17th century danish absorbed many french loanwards and from the 19th century onwards, many english words have been taken into Danish. Danish is a language with. Dutch, German, French, and English

The Origins of Danish

Danish is a germanic language. Danish is a desendant of old norse. It makes up one of the three branches of the germanic languages.

20 Basic Phrases in Danish

1 one is en

2 two is to

3 three is tre

4 four is fire

5 five is fem

6 six is seks

7 seven is syv

8 eight is otte

9 nine os ni

10 ten is ti

11 good morning is godmorgen

12 how is it going is it vordan går het

13 where is the bathroom is undskyl mig hvorer badevaerelset

15 good luck is held og lukke

16 good bye is farvel

17 no is nej

18 i love you is jeg elsker dig

19nice to meet you is rart at møde dig

20 i don't speak this language is jeg falter ikke dansk

How About Learning it?

Danish is a really complicated language so it os really hard to learn. But if you want to learn Danish try to practice them a lot and GOOD LUCK.

Are There Still People Speaking Danish

Yopi,  this language is not endangered. There are still 6,000,000 people speaking it. Witch means the youth still speak it.  


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Are You a Fan

Are you a fan of The Lord of the Rings? Well then here is  an actor from The Lord of the Rings which is Danish.

A Few Interesting Grammar snippets in danish

In danish the o's have a line that goes diagonally in the middle of the o like this ø. G is pronounced ge, f is pronounced aef, and j is pronounced jåd.

The Grammar Rules in Danish

In danish the word order is s S.V.A which is quite funny, because it is subject , verb, agreement instead of subject, verb, object.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Guess in How Many Countries we Speak Danish in

 We speak danish in Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Canada, U.A.E, U.S.A, and Iceland